"Komputasi adalah kekuatan produktif pertama dari ekonomi digital . " Pada 29 Juli 2022, di Sub-forum Sains dan Teknologi SenseTime dari Konferensi Komputasi Pertama di Tiongkok, Gao Shanshan, direktur Pusat Penelitian Kerjasama Internasional Media Digital AS Shandong Sino mengatakan, di era AI, infrastruktur komputasi terus berubah seperti industri keuangan, kedokteran, dan pusat data.
On November 7th , China International Huangjiu Industry Expo 2022 and the 28th Shaoxing Huangjiu Festival were grand opening in Shaoxing Huangjiu town, Zhejiang Province. The Event are organized by China Alcoholic Drinks Association (CADA) and Shaoxing Municipal People’s Government. More than 100 Huangjiu companies and 1000 products participated in the exhibition. Opening Ceremony, China Huangjiu Development Forum, China Huangjiu International Exchange Summit 2022,China Huangjiu New Media (Digital Marketing) Forum were held At the same time.
To enhance the publicity and influence of “Hebei Brand", and trade promotion for food enterprises in Hebei Province, “2022 Hebei Brand Promotion—SIAL Inter Food in Indonesia”,hosted by Hebei Provincial Convention & Exhibition Promotion Center (Hebei International Business Information Center) ,organizer by Jiangsu New international Convention & Exhibition (Group) Co., Ltd, has been successfully held in Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) on 9th November.
Il 5 gennaio, primo giorno del 5° China International Import Expo, China Eastern ha firmato il primo ordine per l'industria dell'aviazione civile di questa edizione, per motori V2500 con Pratt & Whitney, società aerospaziale di fama internazionale con cui ha collaborato per più di 20 anni.
Il 27 ottobre, è China Eastern Airlines ha inaugurato la nuova rotta tra Wenzhou e Roma, con un volo settimanale.
Tinjau Jembatan Kemang Pratama yang Ambles, AHY Minta Perbaikan Dimulai Sore Ini
Sindikat TPPO di Bandara Soetta Terungkap, Korban Dijanjikan Gaji hingga Rp 30 Juta
SMAN 21 Bekasi Bingung Gelar Ujian Akhir Usai Terdampak Banjir
Tom Lembong Kecewa dengan Dakwaan Jaksa, Sebut Kerugian Negara Kasus Impor Gula Tak Jelas
KPK Panggil Kepala BPKH Terkait Kasus Investasi Fiktif Taspen
Praktik Curang Penyalahgunaan Barcode BBM Subsidi, Beli Rp 6.800 Dijual Rp 8.600 Per Liter
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