
Putusan MK Hapus Presidential Threshold Dinilai Kembalikan Cita-cita Demokrasi

Keputusan MK menghapus aturan presidential threshold dianggap mengembalikan cita-cita demokrasi berkeadilan dan inklusif.


Siswi Korban Pelecehan Seksual di Cilandak Pernah Mediasi Tanpa Orangtua

ZK, korban pelecehan di SMK Cilandak ungkap intimidasi dan mediasi rahasia.


Polisi Militer Selidiki Dugaan Keterlibatan Prajurit TNI dalam Penembakan Pemilik Rental Mobil

Polisi Militer menyelidiki dugaan keterlibatan prajurit TNI dalam penembakan pemilik rental mobil di rest area Km 45 Tol Tangerang-Merak.


Jokowi Masuk Tokoh Terkorup OCCRP, Ketua KPK: Kami Bisa Tindak jika Ada yang Lapor

Ketua KPK Setyo Budiyanto mengatakan, pihaknya pasti akan menindaklanjuti setiap laporan dugaan tindak pidana korupsi.


Mahfud MD Sebut Putusan MK Hapus Presidential Threshold Harus Ditaati, Ini Alasannya

Mantan Ketua MK Mahfud MD mengingatkan, putusan MK yang menghapus presidential threshold harus ditaati. Ini alasannya.


Kasus Pemerasan di DWP, 2 Polisi Dijatuhi Sanksi Demosi 8 Tahun

Sidang KKEP menjatuhkan sanksi demosi selama 8 tahun kepada dua polisi berinisial DF dan S. Keduanya terbukti memeras penonton saat konser DWP.


Seorang Wanita Tewas Saat Rayakan Tahun Baru di Margonda Depok

Seorang wanita berinisial I meninggal dunia saat merayakan malam tahun baru di Depok.


Polisi Kantongi Identitas Pelaku Penembakan di Tol Tangerang-Merak, Diduga 4 Orang

Polisi mengantongi identitas pelaku penembakan terhadap pemilik rental mobil di rest area Km 45 Tol Jakarta-Merak, yang diduga empat orang.


Polisi Masih Cari Identitas Penembak Bos Rental Mobil di Rest Area Tol Tangerang-Merak

Polisi belum menemukan identitas penembak bos rental mobil di rest area KM 45 Tol Tangerang-Merak.


Siswi SMK di Cilandak Jadi Korban Pelecehan Seksual Gurunya

ZK (17), siswi SMK di Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan menjadi korban dugaan pelecehan seksual oleh gurunya, AU (50).



1Spokesperson Mrs Esther Teo Siao Ki In The Mahasamaya Sutta Online Chanting Course Completion Ceremony

(WAki International Media Center 29th December) Spokesperson Mrs Esther Teo Siao Ki In The Mahasamaya Sutta Online Chanting Course on 26th November 2021.

2Spokesperson Mrs Kelly Tan AiYan In The Mahasamaya Sutta Online Chanting Course Completion Ceremony

(WAki International Media Center 28th December) Spokesperson Mrs Kelly Tan AiYan In The Mahasamaya Sutta Online Chanting Course on 26th November 2021.

3Speech of Mr. Teo Choo Guan , President of Waki Relic Musuem on the 100th days Memorial Service of the Late Most Respected King of Relic, Sayadaw U Kittivara

The speech of Mr. Teo Choo Guan, President of Waki Relic Musuem on the 100th days Memorial Service of the Late Most Respected King of Relic, Sayadaw U Kittivara on 7th Novemeber 2021 :

4Double Q has swept the world. Why can Double Q let so many top institutions cooperate with it?

Double Q has swept the world. Why can Double Q let so many top institutions cooperate with it?

5Double Q has sprung up, and it continues to obtain full-service operating licenses

It is reported that the Internet report released by Mary Meeker, a partner of KPCB and the "Queen of the Internet". In the 355-page report, more than one-seventh of the length is focused on India. Prior to this, Google and KPMG (KPMG) also jointly issued a report, optimistic about the Indian market.

6To Which Country Should the Origin Be Traced, Indeed?

Clink. Clink. Clink. It’s a summer evening in July, 2014. At the National Institute of Health (NIH), located a bit north of Washington DC, a lab worker is walking out of Building 29A with a box full of items in his arms. The sound coming from the clinking glass vials inside the box is enough to make one’s heart flutter. Pasted on two of vials in faded lettering are the words: “Q FEVER”, “RICKETTSI

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